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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Basic Toolbar class. Although the {@link Ext.container.Container#defaultType defaultType} for
 * Toolbar is {@link Ext.button.Button button}, Toolbar elements (child items for the Toolbar container)
 * may be virtually any type of Component. Toolbar elements can be created explicitly via their
 * constructors, or implicitly via their xtypes, and can be {@link #method-add}ed dynamically.
 * ## Some items have shortcut strings for creation:
 * | Shortcut | xtype         | Class                         | Description
 * |:---------|:--------------|:------------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------
 * | '->'     | `tbfill`      | {@link Ext.toolbar.Fill}      | begin using the right-justified button container
 * | '-'      | `tbseparator` | {@link Ext.toolbar.Separator} | add a vertical separator bar between toolbar items
 * | ' '      | `tbspacer`    | {@link Ext.toolbar.Spacer}    | add horizontal space between elements
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', {
 *         renderTo: document.body,
 *         width   : 500,
 *         items: [
 *             {
 *                 // xtype: 'button', // default for Toolbars
 *                 text: 'Button'
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 xtype: 'splitbutton',
 *                 text : 'Split Button'
 *             },
 *             // begin using the right-justified button container
 *             '->', // same as { xtype: 'tbfill' }
 *             {
 *                 xtype    : 'textfield',
 *                 name     : 'field1',
 *                 emptyText: 'enter search term'
 *             },
 *             // add a vertical separator bar between toolbar items
 *             '-', // same as {xtype: 'tbseparator'} to create Ext.toolbar.Separator
 *             'text 1', // same as {xtype: 'tbtext', text: 'text1'} to create Ext.toolbar.TextItem
 *             { xtype: 'tbspacer' },// same as ' ' to create Ext.toolbar.Spacer
 *             'text 2',
 *             { xtype: 'tbspacer', width: 50 }, // add a 50px space
 *             'text 3'
 *         ]
 *     });
 * Toolbars have {@link #method-enable} and {@link #method-disable} methods which when called, will
 * enable/disable all items within your toolbar.
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', {
 *         renderTo: document.body,
 *         width   : 400,
 *         items: [
 *             {
 *                 text: 'Button'
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 xtype: 'splitbutton',
 *                 text : 'Split Button'
 *             },
 *             '->',
 *             {
 *                 xtype    : 'textfield',
 *                 name     : 'field1',
 *                 emptyText: 'enter search term'
 *             }
 *         ]
 *     });
 * Example
 *     @example
 *     var enableBtn = Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
 *         text    : 'Enable All Items',
 *         disabled: true,
 *         scope   : this,
 *         handler : function() {
 *             //disable the enable button and enable the disable button
 *             enableBtn.disable();
 *             disableBtn.enable();
 *             //enable the toolbar
 *             toolbar.enable();
 *         }
 *     });
 *     var disableBtn = Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
 *         text    : 'Disable All Items',
 *         scope   : this,
 *         handler : function() {
 *             //enable the enable button and disable button
 *             disableBtn.disable();
 *             enableBtn.enable();
 *             //disable the toolbar
 *             toolbar.disable();
 *         }
 *     });
 *     var toolbar = Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', {
 *         renderTo: document.body,
 *         width   : 400,
 *         margin  : '5 0 0 0',
 *         items   : [enableBtn, disableBtn]
 *     });
 * Adding items to and removing items from a toolbar is as simple as calling the {@link #method-add}
 * and {@link #method-remove} methods. There is also a {@link #removeAll} method
 * which remove all items within the toolbar.
 *     @example
 *     var toolbar = Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', {
 *         renderTo: document.body,
 *         width   : 700,
 *         items: [
 *             {
 *                 text: 'Example Button'
 *             }
 *         ]
 *     });
 *     var addedItems = [];
 *     Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', {
 *         renderTo: document.body,
 *         width   : 700,
 *         margin  : '5 0 0 0',
 *         items   : [
 *             {
 *                 text   : 'Add a button',
 *                 scope  : this,
 *                 handler: function() {
 *                     var text = prompt('Please enter the text for your button:');
 *                     addedItems.push(toolbar.add({
 *                         text: text
 *                     }));
 *                 }
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 text   : 'Add a text item',
 *                 scope  : this,
 *                 handler: function() {
 *                     var text = prompt('Please enter the text for your item:');
 *                     addedItems.push(toolbar.add(text));
 *                 }
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 text   : 'Add a toolbar separator',
 *                 scope  : this,
 *                 handler: function() {
 *                     addedItems.push(toolbar.add('-'));
 *                 }
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 text   : 'Add a toolbar spacer',
 *                 scope  : this,
 *                 handler: function() {
 *                     addedItems.push(toolbar.add('->'));
 *                 }
 *             },
 *             '->',
 *             {
 *                 text   : 'Remove last inserted item',
 *                 scope  : this,
 *                 handler: function() {
 *                     if (addedItems.length) {
 *                         toolbar.remove(addedItems.pop());
 *                     } else if (toolbar.items.length) {
 *                         toolbar.remove(toolbar.items.last());
 *                     } else {
 *                         alert('No items in the toolbar');
 *                     }
 *                 }
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 text   : 'Remove all items',
 *                 scope  : this,
 *                 handler: function() {
 *                     toolbar.removeAll();
 *                 }
 *             }
 *         ]
 *     });
 * @constructor
 * Creates a new Toolbar
 * @param {Object/Object[]} config A config object or an array of buttons to {@link #method-add}
 * @docauthor Robert Dougan <rob@sencha.com>
Ext.define('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', {
    extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
    requires: [
    uses: [
    alias: 'widget.toolbar',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.Toolbar',

     * @property {Boolean} isToolbar
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Toolbar, or subclass thereof.
    isToolbar: true,
    baseCls  : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'toolbar',
    ariaRole : 'toolbar',

    defaultType: 'button',

     * @cfg {Boolean} vertical
     * Set to `true` to make the toolbar vertical. The layout will become a `vbox`.
    vertical: false,

     * @cfg {Ext.enums.Layout/Object} layout
     * This class assigns a default layout (`layout: 'hbox'`).
     * Developers _may_ override this configuration option if another layout
     * is required (the constructor must be passed a configuration object in this
     * case instead of an array).
     * See {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} for additional information.

     * @cfg {Boolean} enableOverflow
     * Configure true to make the toolbar provide a button which activates a dropdown Menu to show
     * items which overflow the Toolbar's width.
    enableOverflow: false,

     * @cfg {String} menuTriggerCls
     * Configure the icon class of the overflow button.
    menuTriggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'toolbar-more-icon',

     * @cfg {String} defaultButtonUI
     * A default {@link Ext.Component#ui ui} to use for {@link Ext.button.Button Button} items
    // @private
    trackMenus: true,

    itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'toolbar-item',

    statics: {
        shortcuts: {
            '-' : 'tbseparator',
            ' ' : 'tbspacer'

        shortcutsHV: {
            // horizontal
            0: {
                '->': { xtype: 'tbfill', height: 0 }
            // vertical
            1: {
                '->': { xtype: 'tbfill', width: 0 }

    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this;

        // check for simplified (old-style) overflow config:
        if (!me.layout && me.enableOverflow) {
            me.layout = { overflowHandler: 'Menu' };

        if (me.dock === 'right' || me.dock === 'left') {
            me.vertical = true;

        me.layout = Ext.applyIf(Ext.isString(me.layout) ? {
            type: me.layout
        } : me.layout || {}, {
            type: me.vertical ? 'vbox' : 'hbox',
            align: me.vertical ? 'stretchmax' : 'middle'

        if (me.vertical) {

        // @TODO: remove this hack and implement a more general solution
        if (me.ui === 'footer') {
            me.ignoreBorderManagement = true;


         * @event overflowchange
         * Fires after the overflow state has changed.
         * @param {Number} lastHiddenCount The number of overflowing items that used to be hidden.
         * @param {Number} hiddenCount The number of overflowing items that are hidden now.
         * @param {Array} The hidden items

    getRefItems: function(deep) {
        var me = this,
            items = me.callParent(arguments),
            layout = me.layout,

        if (deep && me.enableOverflow) {
            handler = layout.overflowHandler;
            if (handler && handler.menu) {
                items = items.concat(handler.menu.getRefItems(deep));
        return items;

     * Adds element(s) to the toolbar -- this function takes a variable number of
     * arguments of mixed type and adds them to the toolbar.
     * **Note**: See the notes within {@link Ext.container.Container#method-add}.
     * @param {Ext.Component.../Object.../String.../HTMLElement...} args The following types of arguments are all valid:
     *  - `{@link Ext.button.Button config}`: A valid button config object
     *  - `HtmlElement`: Any standard HTML element
     *  - `Field`: Any form field
     *  - `Item`: Any subclass of {@link Ext.toolbar.Item}
     *  - `String`: Any generic string (gets wrapped in a {@link Ext.toolbar.TextItem}).
     *    Note that there are a few special strings that are treated differently as explained next:
     *      - `'-'`: Creates a separator element
     *      - `' '`: Creates a spacer element
     *      - `'->'`: Creates a fill element
     * @return {Ext.Component[]/Ext.Component} The Components that were added.
     * @method add
     * Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index.
     * @param {Number} index The index at which the Component will be inserted.
     * @param {Ext.Component/Object/String/HTMLElement} component
     * See {@link #method-add} method for overview of possible values.
     * @return {Ext.Component} The component that was inserted.
     * @method insert

    // @private
    lookupComponent: function(c) {
        var args = arguments;
        if (typeof c == 'string') {
            var T = Ext.toolbar.Toolbar,
                shortcut = T.shortcutsHV[this.vertical ? 1 : 0][c] || T.shortcuts[c];

            if (typeof shortcut == 'string') {
                c = {
                    xtype: shortcut
            } else if (shortcut) {
                c = Ext.apply({}, shortcut);
            } else {
                c = {
                    xtype: 'tbtext',
                    text: c

            // See: EXTJSIV-7578
            args = [c];

        return this.callParent(args);

    // @private
    applyDefaults: function(c) {
        if (!Ext.isString(c)) {
            c = this.callParent(arguments);
        return c;

    // @private
    trackMenu: function(item, remove) {
        if (this.trackMenus && item.menu) {
            var method = remove ? 'mun' : 'mon',
                me = this;

            me[method](item, 'mouseover', me.onButtonOver, me);
            me[method](item, 'menushow', me.onButtonMenuShow, me);
            me[method](item, 'menuhide', me.onButtonMenuHide, me);

    // @private
    onBeforeAdd: function(component) {
        var me = this,
            isButton = component.isButton;

        if (isButton && me.defaultButtonUI && component.ui === 'default' &&
            !component.hasOwnProperty('ui')) {
            component.ui = me.defaultButtonUI;
        } else if ((isButton || component.isFormField) && me.ui !== 'footer') {
            component.ui = component.ui + '-toolbar';
            component.addCls(component.baseCls + '-toolbar');

        // Any separators needs to know if is vertical or not
        if (component instanceof Ext.toolbar.Separator) {
            component.setUI((me.vertical) ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal');


    // @private
    onAdd: function(component) {
    // @private
    onRemove: function(c) {
        this.trackMenu(c, true);
    getChildItemsToDisable: function() {
        return this.items.getRange();   

    // @private
    onButtonOver: function(btn){
        if (this.activeMenuBtn && this.activeMenuBtn != btn) {
            this.activeMenuBtn = btn;

    // @private
    onButtonMenuShow: function(btn) {
        this.activeMenuBtn = btn;

    // @private
    onButtonMenuHide: function(btn) {
        delete this.activeMenuBtn;